CS367: Connecting to Linux

  1. The labs should have the WinSCP and Putty programs available. You should also be able to install these programs on your desktop or laptop computers. The downloads are free
  2. WinSCP is useful for transferring files back and forth. It is important to backup your work. IT does not backup the systems that we will be using, so be careful or you could lose your files.
  3. Putty is useful for logging on remotely. Once logged on, you will have command line access to the system.
  4. Logging in credentials: Use your normal SOU user name and password to log onto aempi01p.sou.edu or aempi02p.sou.edu. Their respective IP addresses are and
  5. From your desktop/laptop, make sure to use secure logins (SSH / SFTP) on port 22.

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