Syllabus PowerPoint Slides IPA Phonetic Audio
Cochlear demo (Flash) Basilar Membrane Demo (Applet) Sample Audio Files
Audio Software General Information

Explores selected topics in information systems. Sample topics include database systems, networking and the Internet, and creating business frameworks. This quarter, we will focus on the concepts necessary for building a framework for automatic speech recognition (ASR). This is an emerging application area, which among many uses, is critical for providing user friendly interfaces to mobile devices. We will review digital signal processing concepts and then explore how these relate to extracting audio features necessary for building a front end for ASR. Topics related to back end processing include Neural Networks, Hidden Markov Models (HMM), Dynamic Time Warping, Dynamic Programming, Transducers and Finite State Machines, N-gram models, and others.

Handouts Power Point
Quiz Answers Labs
Email Professor Class Broadcast