Search and sort facilities


The above pictures show the controls that you can use to search or sort a dictionary. The icon at the left appears on the west wall of the WOLF application frame. Simply click on that icon, and WOLF will sort the dictionary alphabetically. For languages that require a custom sort orders, please refer to the language entry page.

On the right of the above picture, there is a label shown containing a W character. Clicking on this label will change the W to a C. Clicking again changes the label to display an O character. Another click causes the label to revert to the initial W character. The purpose of this label is to control the type of searching that you desire. W stands for a word search, C stands for a category search, and O stands for an ontology search. For example if you want to find all of the past tense words in your dictionary, do an ontology search using the GOLD term past.

To start a search, type the term you want in the text field to the left of the label and tap the keyboard enter key. Searching allows for wild card entry. For example, searching for w* will find all the words in the dictionary starting with the letter, w. The * serves as a wild card for any number of characters. Similarly, the ? character wild cards a single character. Actually, the search field allows for much more powerful capabilities. If you understand regular expressions, it supports almost all regular expressions with a couple of minor differences. Searches are not case-sensitive. (w* will find the same words as W*). Also, if you enter a * or a ?, WOLF will insert a period for you (if you didn't already do that). This is an accommodation for users that do not have a background with using regular expressions. Although it slightly reduces the searching capabilities, it makes life easier for those users.

At the left of the above picture are three buttons, which work similar to back, forward, and refresh buttons that exist in most Web browsers. Each search refines the words contained in a previous search. After a search, you can click back to have WOLF display the words shown prior to the search. The forward button restores the search, should you wish to do that. The back and forward buttons are ghosted until you do your first search (note how they show in the above picture). The refresh button reloads the entire dictionary in its initial state.