[W]ord [O]riented [L]inguistic [F]ramework Downloads

WOLF is freeware, however, the author, Dan Harvey, retains full copyright privileges to this software. You may install this software on as many computers you want but you may not sell or reverse engineer it for profit. Our hope is that this software prove useful, but we do not provide any guarantees of its suitability for any purpose. By downloading this software, you agree to abide by the terms just described. Please contact Dan Harvey at harveyd@sou.edu if you have questions or comments regarding permissible use.

We create WOLF using the install4J multi-platform installer builder.

WOLF is available for installation from Apple and Window store. From Windows store it is called Word Oriented Linguistic Framework; From Apple Store it is called Wolf dictionary App. On both, you should be able to search using the keybord wolf.
Windows Systems Windows Installer After the download, click to install The WOLF application
Mac/OS Systems without Java pre-installed MAC package install   
Mac/OS 10.8 and after might not have Java pre-installed. For these systems, use this download link. After the download, click on the dmg file, and an installer program will appear. Click to automatically install the WOLF application.
Linux Systems Linux .tar.gz bundle   
After the download, uncompress and save in a safe place; Wolf is the executable (within the Wolf/wolf 2.1 directory). Make sure that you have Java version 1.9 or later installed on your system. To make a symbolic link, use the ln command from the Linux command line.

New features and modifications

WOLF versions 3.04
  1. When importing from XML, this Wolf version displays an error message if there are columns without a corresponding Wolf language part of speech header definition.
  2. Wolf now properly handles rows with blank columns.

WOLF versions 3.02-3.03

  1. Some actions like switching to phonetics view, redo/undo, switching search windows sometimes failed due to changes in the recent runtime environment. This problem has been corrected.
  2. The default user print templates had to be updated when switching from old versions. This is no longer necessary.
  3. Some MDF files have a .txt extension. WOLF now recognizes these files when executing the import option.

Wolf version 3.0.1

WOLF version 2.32-2.34

WOLF version 2.31

WOLF version 2.3

WOLF version 2.2

WOLF version 2.1

WOLF Version 2.0 added the following features


If you are upgrading from WOLF version 1.0, version 1.1 has a slightly different file format. Wolf 2.1's fille format should be the same as version 1.1. To be safe however, before installing the new version, first use the WOLF export option () to first archive your current dictionaries. After the install, you can retrieve your dictionaries using the WOLF import option ().