The ACORNS, WOLF, and ELK projects are now hosted on".

Please update your links. This site will deactivate after the end of the year.

WOLF Project Overview

This project is an extension of ACORNS ([A][C]quisition [O]f [R]estored [N]ative [S]peech) which is designed to support tribal efforts to revitalize language and culture. The acronym is in honor of the tribes of Northern California who helped to spawn this effort. Among these tribes the ACORN is sacred, and wolves are native to this area.

The ACORNS project is a long-term development effort involving both graduate and undergraduate students. ACORNS and WOLF software is free for download. By downloading and using the applications, you agree to not sell, or reverse engineer the software for profit. Please contact the author, Dan Harvey ( if you have questions or comments. We welcome suggestions and comments that could lead to improvements in the WOLF application. Developers that wish to make contributions should contact

The motivation for WOLF ([W]ord [O]riented [L]inguistic [F]ramework) is to provide an easy to use framework where linguists can create indigenous dictionaries with a user friendly interface. The software supports, among other things, dictionaries containing up to 100 languages, searching and sorting, import and export facilities, generation of web-pages, integration with the ACORNS mobile apps, multimedia, IPA phonetics. The interface has an EXCEL feel, but geared for use by linguists. You can check out the documentation pages for a complete list of features. Future releases will provide plug-in capabilities to support developer enhancements, speech recognition, dictionary based games, and wiki-like capabilities for posting dictionaries to the Web.