Keyboard Mapping

The ACORNS program supports keyboard mapping for indigenous scripts. ACORNS can support any indigenous keyboard font that is installed in true type font (ttf) format. See the Fonts page for information as how to use indigenous fonts with ACORNS, once installed. You select activate a keyboard mapping by selecting the tools menu and then clicking options. A drop down menu will show the keyboard choices known to ACORNS.

Indigenous fonts need to be downloaded before ACORNS can use them. There are standard procedures for doing this, depending on your computer system, that will make the font available on your system. Once this is done, ACORNS will recognize its presence.

After you select a keyboard mapping, all of the ACORNS dialogs that request native language input will use that mapping. ACORNS will retain the keyboard mapping until it is later changed. It remembers the mappings across application runs, so you don't have to repeat the option selection process.